About Us
Hospital Radio Swale is a registered Charity and operated by unpaid volunteers.
Our studio's are based in Sheppey Community Hospital, on the Isle Of Sheppey. The Isle of Sheppey is an island off the northern coast of Kent, England, neighbouring the Thames Estuary, centred 42 miles (68 km) from central London. It has an area of 36 square miles (93 km2). The island forms part of the local government district of Swale.
HRSradio started in 1974. A group of radio enthusiasts built a studio in a room under the water tower of the old Sheppey Maternity Hospital on Bartons Hill. With two record decks, one tape machine and a mixer they broadcast to Staff, Patients and visitors. When the Hospital changed it's status and became a General & Recovery Hospital they moved into the main building, and with the financial help of a local pub landlord Joe Park, two state of the art studios were built.
These studios remained "on air" until the new Community Hospital in Plover Road was opened. During this time the Memorial Hospital, Sittingbourne was opened. This took Hospital Radio Swale into the digital age with Powerful computers (Well Computers) and software the music played 24/7 as well as broadcasting to both Hospitals simultaneously.
Now Sittingbourne studio closed the work continued at Sheppey, and continue to improve our broadcast, we now broadcast 24/7 world wide via the internet, we are on Tune in, we have our own app (Google play) and you can even ask Alexa "Play Hospital Radio Swale". Our continuing programme to modify our studios, but no of this can be done without your help, please contact us if you have any spare time. Thank you